Sunday, March 15, 2009

Under pressure dum dum dum dum dum.

Somebody help me!

Its less than 11 hours till my physical pharmacy paper starts and yet im here blogging. Its called destressing ok *shifty eyes*

I dont know about you, but recently, I've been eating ALOT due to stress. :(

Its a bad bad thing. The last time i actually lost weight because I was emo. Make me emo pls!

I'm hungry 24/7.

Like this morning, my father kept asking me to study since I was wasting my time eating. But I couldnt stop, for I was hungry. From banana, cake, nuts, pear, chips, pastries, buns, bread, cheeeeeeeeese, biscuits, chocolates OH yeah chocolates, cake etc..

15 minutes later,

"Pa, I cannot study now."


"I'm too full until i feel like vomiting."


sigh.. i suddenly feel hungry again..

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