Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Say aww. Are you gonna finish strong?

This is by far one of my favourite video. Its so inspiring. Left a fuzzy feeling in my heart.

It's an awesome message. Thats the inner strength that we should all carry in each one of us. And dont give up hope in whatever you do :)

So far, just this year alone, I think about 4 people asked me whether I thought that Im pretty and my answer was no. Well, okay la, not horribly ugly to the point that I cannot be seen by others. Is it that important? Its not that I have low self esteem, its just that sometimes, looks is not everything. I feel that values andhow the person carries him/herself is more revelant. I admit that I used to be really superficial but now I realise that looks are just secondary.

I mean like, seriously, it is that important? We should be grateful that we have all our limbs, 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth. Beauty is skin deep. I would prefer to be with someone who has a heart of gold and a great personality. Well, afterall, we cant deny that our cells will oxidise and aging is inevitable. Appreciate whatever we are given :)

Now I sound like a preacher. my god. See what the study break is turning me into???!!

Disclaimer: The author of this post might seem as though she is so holy, but nevertheless, she is vain and self conscious.

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