What do you do after studying for a test for 3 days straight.
You obviously have fun =D
It was party time.
DD test went okay so there were no guilt that night.
You obviously have fun =D
It was party time.
DD test went okay so there were no guilt that night.
Us housemates with simba and adrian went down to karbon to meet our other classmates.
It was supposed to be "bonding time" but it went a little too wrong.
Nonetheless, other than having to walk under the rain and having my hair ruined, it wasnt too bad.
Us inhabitants of F4 =D
Bollywood. *inside joke*
We girlies came home pretty late that night and chatted till the break of dawn. I woke up at 7 am the next morning for class. It was a total nightmare and the rest of the day was spent sleeping.
How productive of me.
On Saturday, we went grocery shopping togethergether.
It was crazy. We spent a total of 200 pounds worth of groceries and household items.
So much junk food! Heh.
We got a new food system now. Everyone has to cook one day a week and wash up after that.
Last night, I baked Shepperd's pie which didnt turn out as bad as I thought except for the fact that my mash potatoes were quite soft.
Happy =D
And oh, I dyed my hair. I ruined my hair.
It was supposed to be purple.
Round 2: Biopharmacy 3.
Oh lord.
Play hard. Study smart =D
How productive of me.
On Saturday, we went grocery shopping togethergether.
It was crazy. We spent a total of 200 pounds worth of groceries and household items.
So much junk food! Heh.
We got a new food system now. Everyone has to cook one day a week and wash up after that.
Last night, I baked Shepperd's pie which didnt turn out as bad as I thought except for the fact that my mash potatoes were quite soft.
Happy =D
And oh, I dyed my hair. I ruined my hair.
It was supposed to be purple.
Round 2: Biopharmacy 3.
Oh lord.
Play hard. Study smart =D